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NPHW 2023

Each day of the week, the American Public Health Association has selected a specific public health topic to highlight. On behalf of UC Merced, the Public Health Society will be hosting events and collaborating with various on-campus departments. We welcome everyone to join us - undergrads, grad students, staff, and faculty at UC Merced!


Week-Long Events


"Fill the Pantry" Food Drive

Hosted by Public Health Society & UC Merced Basic Needs

Monday, April 3rd at 9 a.m. to Friday, April 7 at 5 p.m.

Since the availability of food and nutrition within a community is essential in encouraging a healthy growing population, Public Health Society will be collaborating with Basic Needs to organize a Food Drive for those in need.The Food Drive will be open from Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., and all donated items will be given to the Bobcat Pantry and Merced County Food Bank. Please make sure that all donated foods are non-perishable, such as dry pasta, rice, and canned foods.

Confirmed Food Drive Locations

  • Basic Needs (Terrace Center 106)
  • Community Engagement Center (KL 190)
  • Commuter Lounge (Sentinel Rock 145)
  • Office of Student Involvement (Granite Pass 163)
  • Social Sciences and Management Building (SSM 354B)

Day 1: Community


CommUNITY Table Talks

Hosted by Public Health Society & UC Merced Community Engagement Center

Monday, April 3 from 10 a.m.-2 p.m., Scholars Lane

Join us for the kickoff of UC Merced National Public Health Week, with the first day centered around community. Brought to you by the Public Health Society in collaboration with the Community Engagement Center, this will be a tabling event for on and off-campus clubs/organizations and departments to engage with students in small activities that reflect the concept of community and health. Click the button below to sign-up!



"Fill the Pantry" Food Drive: Launch

Hosted by Public Health Society & UC Merced Basic Needs

Monday, April 3 at 9 a.m.

Since the availability of food and nutrition within a community is essential in encouraging a healthy growing population, Public Health Society will be collaborating with Basic Needs to organize a Food Drive for those in need.The Food Drive will be open from Monday to Friday, 9AM to 5PM, and all donated items will be given to the Bobcat Pantry and Merced County Food Bank. Please make sure that all donated foods are non-perishable, such as dry pasta, rice, and canned foods.

Confirmed Food Drive Locations

  • Basic Needs (Terrace Center 106)
  • Community Engagement Center (KL 190)
  • Commuter Lounge (Sentinel Rock 145)
  • Office of Student Involvement (Granite Pass 163)
  • Social Sciences and Management Building (SSM 354B)

Day 2: Violence Prevention


The Power of Prevention: Creating a Culture of Safety

Hosted by Public Health Society & the UC Merced CARE Office

Tuesday, April 4 from noon-2 p.m. at Granite Pass 155

Brought to you by the Public Health Society in collaboration with the CARE office, this will be an informative presentation to engage with students in a game of jeopardy all of which reflect the concept of violence prevention.


Author-Meets-Reader: Medical Legal Violence by Meredith Van Natta

Hosted by the Migration Matters Lab

Tuesday, April 4 from 3-4:30 p.m. at COB2 392

Panelists: Meredith Van Natta (author-Sociology), Stephanie Canizales (discussant-Sociology), Maria-Elena De Trinidad Young (discussant-Public Health)

In Medical Legal Violence, Meredith Van Natta provides a first-hand account of how Latinx immigrants made life and death decisions with their doctors and other clinic workers before and after the 2016 election. Drawing from rich ethnographic observations and in-depth interviews in three states during the Trump presidency, Van Natta demonstrates how anti-immigrant laws are changing the way Latinx immigrants and their doctors weigh illness and injury against patients’ personal and family security. The book also evaluates the role of safety-net health care workers who have helped noncitizen patients navigate this unstable political landscape despite perceiving a rise in anti-immigrant surveillance in the health care spaces where they work. As anti-immigrant rhetoric intensifies, Medical Legal Violence sheds light on the real consequences of anti-immigrant laws on the health of Latinx noncitizens, and how these laws create a predictable humanitarian disaster in immigrant communities throughout the country and beyond its borders. Van Natta asks how things might be different if we begin to learn from this history rather than continuously repeat it.

Please RSVP by filling out the linked Google Form. If you would like to join through Zoom, click HERE.


Day 3: Reproductive and Sexual Health


Beyond Birds and Bees: Celebrating Diversity in Sexual & Reproductive Health

Hosted by Public Health Society & UC Merced Social Justice Initiatives and Identity Programs

Wednesday, April 5 from 9 a.m.-3 p.m.

In partnership with the cultural and Pride resource centers on-campus, the Public Health Society and Social Justice Initiatives & Identity Programs will be hosting mini-activities in each resource center that are based on a sexual and reproductive health topic. Students that visit and complete at least two out of the four center activities can participate in a raffle to win prizes like reproductive-themed plushies and Owala water bottles.


  • Asian and Pacific Islander Resource Center (Sentinel Rock 102)
  • Black Student Resource Center (Granite Pass 101)
  • Pride Center (KL 159)
  • Multicultural Center (KL 169)

Cross-Campus Meet & Greet and Research Talk about Children's Health in a California Farmworker Community

Hosted by Public Health Society at UC Merced & UC Berkeley's Maternal, Child and Adolescent Health (MCAH) Program at the School of Public Health

Wednesday, April 5 from 1-2:30 p.m. on Zoom ( with password BPHLEAP)

UC Berkeley LEAP is proud to introduce a collaboration between UC Berkeley and UC Merced for National Public Health Week — a cross-campus meet-and-greet and a research talk by Dr. Kim Harley about her findings from the Center for the Health Assessment of Mothers and Children of Salinas (CHAMACOS). CHAMACOS, meaning "little children" in Mexican Spanish, is the longest-running longitudinal birth cohort study of pesticides and other environmental exposures among children in a farmworker community.

Please join us on Wednesday, April 5, from 1:10-2:30 p.m. for this virtual event! You will get the chance to connect with other undergraduate public health students from another campus, engage in a research talk from esteemed MCAH faculty, and explore public health research with graduate student researchers, future graduate students, staff, and faculty.

Please contact Jennifer Jarin ( for any questions or concerns about the event.

If you require an accommodation for effective communication (ASL interpreting/CART captioning, alternative media formats, etc.) or information about campus mobility access features in order to fully participate in this event, please contact with as much advance notice as possible and at least 7-10 days in advance of the event.

This event is hosted in collaboration with the Maternal, Child, and Adolescent Health (MCAH) Leadership, Education, and Advancement in Undergraduate Pathways (LEAP) Training Program at UC Berkeley and the Public Health Society at UC Merced.


Wellness Wednesday with Health Promotion

Hosted by Public Health Society & UC Merced Health Promotion

Wednesday, April 5 on Instagram

Brought to you by Public Health Society and Health Promotion, join in on Instagram for a Wellness Wednesday video to ask students questions about STI testing, what pap smears are, and campus wellness hotspots locations.


Day 4: Mental Health


From Stress to Serene: A Workshop to Empower Wellness

Hosted by Public Health Society & UC Merced Counseling and Psychological Services

Thursday, April 6 from 6-7 p.m. at Glacier 145

Public Health Society is collaborating with Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) at UC Merced to host a stress management workshop. The UC Merced community will gain knowledge about the key factors of stress and effective coping mechanisms. Additionally, the community will have an opportunity to engage in a relaxing mindful meditation activity facilitated by a CAPS therapist!

This event will be taking place during the Public Health Society General Body Meeting time - but our doors are open to all!


Day 5: Rural Health


Rural Health Research Symposium

Hosted by Public Health Society & UC Merced Undergraduate Research Opportunities Center

Friday, April 7 from 1-4 p.m. at the California Room

In honor of the daily theme of Rural Health, Public Health Society is collaborating with the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Center (UROC) to host a Rural Health Research Symposium. We will be featuring researchers working on health-related projects focused in the Central Valley, but we welcome all faculty, staff, graduate students, and undergraduate students who are interested in presenting any research relevant to health. Click the button below to RSVP or submit an abstract to become a presenter (abstract submissions are now closed)!


Keynote Speaker: Vice Chancellor Charles Nies

Closing Speaker: Kesia Garibay, Public Health Graduate Student & Founding Member of Public Health Society

Schedule of Events:

1:00 p.m. Welcome & Keynote Speaker

1:30 p.m. Rural Health Presentations

2:30 p.m. Poster Session 1

3:00 p.m. Poster Session 2

3:30p.m. Closing Speaker & Thank You

RSVP is now closed but feel free to stop by - we are happy to take walk-in guests as long as seats are available. Refreshments will be provided!


"Fill the Pantry" Food Drive: End

Hosted by Public Health Society & UC Merced Basic Needs

Friday, April 7 at 5 p.m.

Since the availability of food and nutrition within a community is essential in encouraging a healthy growing population, Public Health Society will be collaborating with Basic Needs to organize a Food Drive for those in need.The Food Drive will be open from Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., and all donated items will be given to the Bobcat Pantry and Merced County Food Bank. Please make sure that all donated foods are non-perishable, such as dry pasta, rice, and canned foods.

Confirmed Food Drive Locations

  • Basic Needs (Terrace Center 106)
  • Community Engagement Center (KL 190)
  • Commuter Lounge (Sentinel Rock 145)
  • Office of Student Involvement (Granite Pass 163)
  • Social Sciences and Management Building (SSM 354B)

Day 6: Accessibility


Amplifying Accessibility

Hosted by Public Health Society

Saturday, April 8

More information coming soon! This day will feature a virtual infographic on Instagram.


Day 7: Food & Nutrition


Budget Bites: Battle of the Home Cooks

Hosted by Public Health Society

Sunday, April 9

Watch our cook-off of pantry staples inspired by ingredients donated at our food drive and learn about free / low-cost food resources in Merced. This will be posted on Instagram and YouTube! All food drive donations will be given to the Bobcat Pantry and the Merced County Food Bank - any food used in the video will be purchased by the Public Health Society for the sole purposes of this activity.