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April 10, 2018
Article published by Ph.D. student Kim Arellano Carmona in the Journal of Pediatric Oncology Nursing "Adding a Parent to the Brain Tumor Team: Evaluating a Peer Support Intervention for Parents of Children With Brain Tumors"
April 4, 2018
Precision medicine offers hope after a life-changing cancer diagnosis. But some cancers that initially respond to targeted chemotherapy become treatment-resistant — and the tumor itself is the culprit. Now, new research from UC Merced and UC Irvine is helping explain how therapy-resistant cancers...
March 22, 2018
Latinos suffer from some of the highest obesity rates in the nation. Health officials have tried to intervene with messaging that encourages healthy eating and healthy behavior, but these campaigns have met with little success. Now a new study from UC Merced public health Professor Susana Ramirez...
March 14, 2018
    The Massachusetts Institute for Technology (MIT) initiated the yearly SPLASH conference in 1957.  It is an academic outreach program that invites high school students to attend classes/workshops taught by undergraduates, graduates, alumni, staff/faculty, and local...
March 8, 2018
Morelia Marines and Kesia Garibay who are Public Health seniors (and mentored by Public Health professor Dr. Nancy Burke) were selected as winners for Research Week for their poster presentation. They both received high scores for their presentation at the Research Week Showcase and won as an...
March 5, 2018
Editor’s note: Every year UC Merced shines a spotlight on the cutting-edge research underway at the university. Research Week is an opportunity for the public to explore the groundbreaking work conducted by students and faculty. As part of Research Week, the Newsroom will highlight a few of these...
March 1, 2018
Good News for The Elderly of Merced and Stanislaus Counties Legacy Health Endowment (LHE), who has in the past worked with Dr. Paul Brown (a UC Merced Public Health professor) on understanding Valley Fever, is now looking to help local senior citizens. LHE has teamed up with Covenant Care...
February 28, 2018
Dr. Susana Ramirez, an Assistant Professor of Public Health at UC Merced, presented her research on nutrition communication among bicultural Latinas at the inaugural conference on Advancing the Science of Cancer in Latinos in San Antonio, Texas, last week. The presentation focused on an empowerment...
February 14, 2018
      Kimberly Arellano Carmona, a first-year doctoral student in Public Health, has been awarded the 2018-19 Faculty Mentor Program Fellowship at UC Merced for her continued work with Dr. Susana Ramirez, assistant professor of Public Health at UC Merced. The Faculty...
February 12, 2018
EXPAND YOUR PUBLIC HEALTH KNOWLEDGE   It has recently been announced that three new courses – developed by the UC Global Health Institute (UCGHI) and UC’s Innovative Learning Technology Initiative (ILTI) – will be available for spring 2018 registration. The...
