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Public Health Statement on COVID-19 Concerns

March 12, 2020

The University of California, Merced Department of Public Health prioritizes the health of our campus and community. Consistent with advice from national and state public health agencies, we have made the following policy changes, effective March 16, 2020 and in effect until further notice.

1)  All department meetings will be held virtually.
2)  All seminars, colloquia, and job talks for the Spring semester will either be held virtually, cancelled, or postponed.
3)  All classes and office hours will be held virtually.
4)  In those cases where in-person meeting is deemed critical, meeting size should be limited to 4 persons or fewer.

We are not proceeding as normal. Our decision is an active effort to prevent the risk of transmission of COVID-19 throughout the San Joaquin Valley. We understand remote or distance learning is not ideal but our safety as a community comes first.